Menu Locations and Usage

Polestar offers two menu locations, the header menu located to the right of the site/title logo (or below if using the centered header layout) and a footer menu, located on the right side of the bottom bar.

The below documentation assumes a basic understanding of the WordPress menu system. If you’re unsure how to create a custom menu and save it to a theme menu location, please see our menu basics tutorial.

Header Menu

The header menu located to the right of the site/title logo or below if using the centered header layout. To assign a custom menu you’ve created to this location go to AppearanceMenusManage Locations.

To completely remove the header menu, go to AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsNavigationHeader Menu. To remove the header search icon, go to AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsNavigationMenu Search.

Changing Drop Down Menu Direction

By default drop-down menus appear to the right of their parent menu item. Right alignment can be problematic for menu items close to the end of the screen, causing items to disappear off the edge of the screen. Polestar doesn’t automatically adjust for this but does offer a manual solution. To change the direction of a drop-down menu, follow these steps:

Go to AppearanceMenus and click Screen Options top right. Under Show advanced menu properties enable CSS classes.

Locate a drop down parent menu item and click the down arrow next to the menu item name.

Go to the CSS Classes (optional) field and enter the following:


Sub-menu items of the parent item with the CSS class will now display to the left instead of right.

The footer menu appears in the bottom bar on the right. To assign a custom menu you’ve created to this location go to AppearanceMenusManage Locations. The footer menu supports social network icons. To add social icons to this menu location, see our tutorial on social icon menus.

Last updated: 08/01/2019