Widget Areas

Polestar offers a widget ready sidebar and footer. Go to AppearanceWidgets to start adding your widgets to those areas.


Polestar’s sidebar appears on the right of the default page template and posts. The sidebar will only appear if you have widgets added to the widget area.

Polestar’s footer automatically splits into columns as widgets are added. If for example, you add four widgets, the footer will be divided into four columns.


If widgets are inserted into the header widget area, the entire contents of the header will be replaced. A SiteOrigin Editor or Image widget can be used for the logo. A Navigation Menu widget should be used for the menu. Polestar will convert the Navigation Menu widget into a responsive menu for mobile devices, just as it would the regular theme header menu.

If a Navigation Menu widget is inserted into a Layout Builder widget, unfortunately, Polestar isn’t able to apply responsive menu styling.

Shop Sidebar

The shop sidebar displays on WooCommerce pages and will only be visible at AppearanceWidgets if WooCommerce is activated.

Last updated: 08/01/2019