This Customizer section is available in Puro Theme Premium. If you’re using Puro Theme Free and would like to review the premium offer, navigate to Appearance > Puro Theme Premium from within WordPress.
The header section of the Customizer provides font family, size and padding controls for this area.

Site Title Font
The font used for the site title.
Site Title Font Size (em)
The size of the font used for the site title in ems.
Site Tagline Font
The size of the font used for the site tagline in ems. The site tagline isn’t displayed by default. To display your site’s tagline, navigate to AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsHeader and enable the Display Tagline checkbox.
Site Tagline Font Size (em)
The size of the font used for the site tagline in ems.
Header Padding (em)
The padding applied to the top and bottom of the header in ems.