[Resolved] Woocommerce image gallery

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    Andrew Misplon

    Sure, will take a look ASAP tomorrow.

    Which version of IE are you testing with?

    Please could you also open IE developer console and let me know which engine is rendering, IE can render from a version that’s different to the version being used.

    F12 to open the console.



    i used IE11 with 11.402.16299.0 Version and 11.0.60 for update version.

    i run developer console but for know engine version where should i go?


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi 🙂 If you open the IE console it will be on the first page/tab, I’m sure you’ll see it there. Sorry on my phone so don’t have more detail.


    Andrew Misplon

    I think it’s called Emulation > Document Mode. I just want to confirm what version you’re testing on and then ensure the browser is rendering that same version. This is based on past experience where we test for say IE11 but somehow the document mode is set to IE9 which causes a lot of support confusion.



    hi andrew, sorry for late response, i checked it and in Document Mode its set to IE11 🙂 (y)


    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for checking. I’ll have access to a Windows computer later this week and will come back to you ASAP with a fix.


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi. I can see where the issue but am not quite sure what’s causing it. It doesn’t appear to happen on the demo. It also isn’t happening in IE Edge which is good news.

    Please, try the following in Additional CSS:

    body:not(.boxed) .site-header[style] {
    	width: none !important;

    none isn’t a valid value, I’m just trying to break the rule above. Let me know, thanks 🙂

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