Ultra Child Theme Not Working


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  • #3486

    Firman DiJe


    I have a problem with Ultra Child Theme. I want create a child theme based on Ultra, so I use the Ultra Child Theme – Starter from here.

    I named the child theme with akunikah (wp-content/themes/akunikah) and edit the style.css to the following:

    Theme Name: AkuNikah
    Author: Firman Dwi Jayanto
    Author URI: http://facebook.com/firmandije
    Theme URI: http://ilmututorial.com
    Description: Tema AkuNikah.com Undangan Pernikahan Online.
    Version: 1.0.0
    Template: ultra
    Text Domain: akunikah
    Domain Path: /languages/
    /* =Theme customization starts here
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    But, it seem the child theme not working, the parent style seem not load correctly. My site can be accessed here. What I am doing wrong? How to fix this problem?


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Firman

    Thanks for reaching out. I’ve replied to your email. Everything looks good in your style.css file. Did you include a functions.php file in your child theme? The parent style.css file is enqueued from the child functions.php file, perhaps that was the problem.


    Firman DiJe

    Hi Andrew,

    I’ve follow your guide from email. I’ve install your attached ultra-child.zip from Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme, and success activated.
    The result is my home page still not fixed. Look at this screenshot. What should I do now?


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Firman

    I’ll reply to your email in a moment. Thanks for the update.


    Andrew Misplon

    Thread migrated to email.

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