[Resolved] Problem with e-mail/ contact form

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  • #5023


    Hi! Im using ninja forms as my contact form. Apperently massenges sent via the form are not beeing send to my server. According to the ninja forms guys, thre might be a conflict with another plugin or functionality used on my page. Do you have any idea what could cause this problem? Would be great to fix that!


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Jan

    Sorry, not sure off hand. There are no known conflicts. To test you’d temporarily deactivate all plugins except for Ninja Forms and see if anything changes. You can even switch over to a default theme like Twenty Sixteen and test with all plugins deactivated. If the issue clears up, activate Ultra, retest, then activate your plugins one by one, testing each time.

    Resolving Plugin Conflicts



    Hi! Thanks for your reply! Solved the Problem by using another contact form.
    Cheers Jan


    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Glad to hear you’ve made progress. All the best with your site.

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