[Resolved] Add "design by" in footer text

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    I’m currently using the Polestar theme (free version) to create a website for a customer, and would like to put a link to my portfolio in the footer, between the copyright and “Theme by Puro.”
    I’ve added the text in the “Footer Text” option in theme customization, but can’t sort out how to link it to my website.

    Also, is it possible to remove the “Theme by Puro” without buying the pro version (if it’s possible at all)?

    Hope you can help me with this.

    Oda Lykke Sandvig


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Oda 🙂

    You should be able to add a link in the footer text field using HTML, have you tried that yet?

    <a href="http://google.com>Google</a>



    Hello Andrew!
    Yes, I know how to ad a link using HTML, but I am fairly new to WordPress and not familiar with where to put the code. I understand it has to go in the footer.php, but beyond that I’m totally blank.


    Andrew Misplon

    Sorry for not explaining further.

    All WordPress themes completely overwrite their own files during updates. Please, don’t edit the theme files at a code level, those changes will be lost if you update the theme.

    At Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings > Footer > Footer Text you can insert HTML to insert a link. Please, see: https://purothemes.com/documentation/polestar-wordpress-theme/customizer-theme-settings/footer/#heading-footer-text. There I include an example.

    If you’d like to remove the attribution link, you’d need to install a child theme for Polestar, copy footer.php from the parent to the child theme and then customise the file as required.



    That worked perfectly! Really great that you can put code directly into the text field for minor customisation like this. Thank you so much for the help 🙂


    Andrew Misplon

    For sure 🙂 Glad to hear you’ve made progress. All the best with your site.

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