[Resolved] Yoast SEO not reading homepage content "The text contains 0 words."

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    I am running into an issue with Yoast SEO not reading my SiteOrigin widgets on my homepage. I’m receiving the following error:

    “The text contains 0 words. This is far below the recommended minimum of 300 words. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.”

    However, my homepage has plenty of text, well over 300 words in fact. A majority of my text is within the SiteOrigin Editor widget, but some also falls within the Featured widget.

    Based on my research, it sounds like this is a pretty popular issue. Some recommend installing/using the Visual Editor widget/plugin instead. Tried that, it didn’t work.

    And it’s ONLY on my homepage. I have plenty of other pages throughout the site that are also using SiteOrigin Editor widgets, and the text is being tracked there. It’s like Yoast is blocked from my homepage altogether?

    Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Settings > Page Builder > Copy Content IS ENABLED too, FYI.

    This is super bizarre. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to my site: http://www.ricksimpsonrealtor.com/



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi dsimpz

    Thanks for reaching out.

    If you’re managing your home page via Appearance > Home Page, go to Appearance > Home Page and click the Edit as a page link at the top. That should take you to the regular Pages > Home Page location. Does WordPress SEO show a different result then?



    Andrew – thanks for getting back to me

    This is the route I usually go when editing my homepage. So from Pages > Homepage is where I’m seeing the Yoast results and this error:

    β€œThe text contains 0 words. This is far below the recommended minimum of 300 words. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.”


    Andrew Misplon

    For sure.

    The good news is that this is an issue with Yoast Content Analysis not reading Page Builder content and not with your SEO as a whole, search engines can still read your content. If possible, please, export the page layout, upload it to a cloud site like Dropbox and send the link. I’ll then test locally. You can export a layout fromLayouts > Import Export within the Page Builder tab.



    Andrew – that’s good to hear. I have switched over to All in One SEO instead. My main concern was whether or not search engines were able to crawl my content. If they can, then I have no problem using All in One instead.

    If I decide to switch back to Yoast, I may revisit this thread at a later time. But I really appreciate the feedback/help.



    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for the update πŸ™‚

    It’s quite nice getting rid of those Inbox messages in WP SEO by moving to All In One.

    SiteOrigin has done quite a lot of integration work to get WP SEO content analysis working properly with Page Builder. The problem is mostly solved but as we’ve seen the odd case does still pop up.

    Definitely, if you want to revisit this in the future we can dive back in.

    All the best with your site. Cheers for now.

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