Top Bar Missing from Layout

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  • #3458


    Hi – I just started working on a multilingual site ( for a client using the Ultra Pro template, and the top bar (where the phone number and email appear) does not display? Does anyone know why, or what setting I need to change so that it shows up? Thanks – Reid


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Reid

    Thanks for your support.

    Please, try going to Appearance > Theme Settings and ensure that the Top Bar setting is enabled.



    Thanks Andrew – It is enabled. I just tried disabling and re-enabling also, but it still does not appear.


    Andrew Misplon

    Would it be possible for you to create a temporary user account so we can login and take a look? You can create a new user account from Users > Add New in WordPress. Below you’ll find the information to enter and actions to take:

    Username: puro
    Email: [email protected]
    Password: Click Show Password and copy the provided password to your clipboard (ctrl + c).
    Send User Notification: Disable this checkbox
    Role: Administrator

    Lastly, click Add New User. Once that’s done, please, reply to this email and send us your site’s URL (web address) and the password for our new user account. You can either use the Set as private reply checkbox below or email us on [email protected]. Thanks 🙂



    Thanks Andrew! It is working perfectly now. I really appreciate your help and quick responses! – Reid


    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Really glad to hear that helped. Chat soon. Cheers.

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