[Resolved] Page can not be shown in IFRAME


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  • #8242

    AJR Solutions

    When viewing the website on iPhone it gives the message

    This Page can not be shown in IFRAME according to rules. You will be redirected to …in 3 seconds

    But the redirect never happens on iPhone. It works on other devices like windows , apple mac computer and android devices it even works on iPad.

    I have also been told that the site will not load at all on iPhone. Any ideas what the issue could be i’m using the site origin North theme.

    Kind Regards,


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Andrew

    Unfortunately, no ideas come to mind, this isn’t anything I’ve dealt with in the past. Why is the page being delivered in an iFrame? Is there a mobile plugin getting or third-party service getting in the way? I’d start by testing with a default theme and all plugins deactivated. If you send a link, I can take a quick look.


    Andrew Misplon

    No probs I have solved the issue.

    Super, glad to hear that did the trick. Unfortunately, the forum doesn’t support email replies at this time. It’s run on bbPress, nothing native in there for email replies at the moment.

    Chat soon. Cheers.


    AJR Solutions

    It was not that that solved the issue it was something else a service I was using to display social media links to the content and that was putting content in iFrames (ridder.co) and this is why my readers could not view the content on iPhone devices. So best not to use it to avoid this issue.


    Andrew Misplon

    Nicely done on finding the problem. Thanks for sharing the fix here.

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