[Resolved] Logo Quality

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  • #4124

    Tomas Sears

    Hi Andrew,

    Hope your OK!

    I’ve been looking at an issue of mine for a while but can’t get to the bottom of it. I can’t seem to get the logo on my site to be good quality. It looks great on my mobile device (iPhone) but not on a desktop or laptop

    This is my site: http://www.woottonupper.co.uk/

    Do you know why it may not look as good? I have different size image for retina displays, but tried both with the bigger image but still no luck

    Any help would be greatly received!



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Tom

    Thanks for reaching out. Your site is looking awesome 🙂

    Please, could you try the regular logo sized at 320 x 80 and the Retina logo at 640 x 160 and let me know if that makes any difference.

    I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this.


    Tomas Sears

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for the compliment!

    I have made the changes and I recon it look better – what you think? http://www.woottonupper.co.uk/

    This is the second site I am creating with the help of your theme. The first one was http://www.stemcollege.co.uk/ Which is live – What you think?

    The second one (The Wootton Site) isn’t live yet, but only on a test domain I am using to create it on.

    When I make this site live will I have to re-purchase the theme? Both schools are part of the same trust which I work for



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Tom

    So sorry for the delay, I’ll reply shortly. Thanks for the big wait.


    Andrew Misplon

    I do think that looks better. Another idea to help out might be to ask if we can remove the very top line, the trust line. We could perhaps put that line somewhere else, just a bit bigger. Perhaps we could try it right in the middle of the top bar and see if it works there. Just an idea.

    The premium license is a single site license. The second site could be upgraded for as little as $5 once off.


    Tomas Sears

    Thanks Andrew!

    For sure, if you think it’ll improve the site. How would I go about doing this?

    I’ll get my finance team to buy another licence



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Tom

    Really sorry I missed your last reply, looks like a missed another reply in another thread on the same date.

    If you still have any open questions, please let me know. Thanks 🙂


    Tomas Sears

    No worries Andrew! I’m just grateful for any help you provide

    Just following on from your suggestion above, what would removing the very top line, the trust line do?



    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for your understanding. That line is quite small at the size of the logo so I thought it might clean things up slightly to remove it, I’m just not sure where you’d put it.

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