[Resolved] Links in excerpts unlinked

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  • #9810


    Sorry, I’m not sure if this is a theme question or a Page Builder issue.

    On my home page, I am using the SiteOrigin post-loop widget to display the News category posts. If I set the Customizing –> Theme Settings –> Blog to display the Full Post Content, links within the post show up as links just fine. If I change them to Post Excerpt, the links show up in the excerpt as plain text, with no link. If I click through to the full post page, the links are there. In my old theme (I’m converting to Ultra), the links ARE in the excerpts, so I don’t think it’s WordPress.

    Also, I’ve set the it so that it’s supposed to display Date, Author and Categories, but only Date and Author show up.


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Terry

    Categories and tags are unfortunately only displayed on the single post page at the end of the post which is why aren’t seeing them in the top post meta.

    Unfortunately, it’s the default behavior of get_the_excerpt(); the WordPress function being used, to strip HTML tags. This won’t be a problem when adding a manual excerpt, it’s only an issue with automatic excerpts.

    Perhaps give the following plugin a try, it’ll help with this particular challenge: https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-excerpt/. I tested it now, all good.



    So, even though under theme settings there is an option to display “post categories”, it’s not implemented? That’s confusing. I’ll try the plugin, thanks.


    Andrew Misplon

    It’s implemented on the single post page: https://demo.purothemes.com/ultra/a-trip-to-the-city/. Scroll to the bottom of the post, the category is Urban, the tag is Grey. The setting controls the categories which in Ultra are located at the bottom of the single post.



    That plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years – can you confirm that it works with the theme? Sorry, you did say you tested it and that it was all good.


    Andrew Misplon

    I tested it earlier today, looks fine.



    Thanks, that took care of the links in the excerpt. You’re the best!


    Andrew Misplon

    Great stuff, glad to hear the plugin did the trick 🙂


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    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Terry

    Ultra is already quite a lot to filter the excerpt so it’s possible we might run into problems with a plugin doing the same.

    To take it back to the beginning. For auto excerpts, Ultra uses get_the_excerpt();. That core WP function will remove links, unfortunately. So what are the options to get links into the excerpt without a plugin:

    1. Use manual excerpts, edit each post, click Screen Options top right, ensure the Excerpt checkbox is enabled and then scroll down to insert a manual excerpt.

    2. Change Theme Settings > Blog to use Full Content instead of Excerpt and then insert a read more tag into each post where you want to split the content.


    Andrew Misplon

    To make sure I’m covering all questions, here is follow-up.

    If possible, please try saving private replies for sending a link. It’s quite hard for others to follow along otherwise. If you’ve upgrade to premium, you’re welcome to use email at any time. [email protected].

    It’s quite challenging for me to get a quick overview of any support issue using images, links are best 99% of the time. This is because there is usually a code inspection that goes along with any page inspection, this can’t be done from images.

    Excerpt Length
    At Theme Settings > Blog you can manually set the length of auto excerpts assuming you have Archive Content set to Excerpt and not Full Content.

    If using Theme Settings > Blog > Archive Post Content > Excerpt Ultra will automatically insert ellipsis for you.

    Read more
    You mentioned My read more tags are showing up appropriately. If you’re using more tags, Archive Post Content should ideally be set to Full Content.

    Current Theme
    As to why the current theme is displaying links and excerpts without issue, I’m not sure. I checked the specifications of get_the_excerpt(); and ran a test in Twenty Sixteen, the tag does strip links.

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