[Resolved] Inconsistent font treatment across pages


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  • #12626


    Hi there

    I have a new website under development that I’m having problems with font-weight not displaying correctly across all pages. For example, on the homepage, the site title is bold but on some of the interior pages it isn’t. Same problem with some of the other H tags throughout the site. The only way I can seem to get it to go bold is to place an empty Headline Widget and make that bold, however this is causing all of the text on the page to go bold.

    I’ll need to give you an admin account so you can have a look, but I don’t understand whats going on. I’ve never come across this before and I’ve used your theme for many, many websites.

    Thanks, Karen


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Karen

    If you could take the site out maintenance mode for a bit, I’d be happy to take a look. You can send the URL using the Private Reply checkbox.



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    Andrew Misplon

    Hi, thanks for the details.

    I’ve looked for about 20mins, I’m not immediately seeing the issue. In the case of custom development, we can try to advise but can’t get too deeply involved because the scope is too wide to make it viable.

    Where is the Google Font import? I’m not seeing it, shouldn’t Quicksand be imported? Perhaps I missed it: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Quicksand?selection.family=Quicksand:400,500,700.

    What I recommend for troubleshooting this is to take it back to a baseline, to a point where the issue isn’t present. Once you’ve found a baseline, add elements back until the issue reappears. Steps to do that would be:

    1. Remove Custom CSS.
    2. Switch back to the parent theme.
    3. Deactivate all plugins.

    Progressively strip elements until the issue isn’t present, then add back until the issue reappears.

    How do the two pages have a different site title? Is this the same WP install?



    Hi Andy

    OK, understand you can’t get too involved. That was my next plan to strip everything back.

    It is the same install so not sure what’s happening with the title but I saw that briefly when logging back in. I think I need to go back to my host provider as there are other weird things occurring also.

    Quicksand has been added into the Additional CSS. Not sure if this is the best way to do it though. Should the @import should be in the child theme css rather than doing it this way?

    body {
        font-size: 1.2em;
    font-weight: normal;
        color: #333;
    font-family: "Quicksand", Georgia, Times, serif;

    I’ve been meaning to ask about this actually as I bought the premium theme for another site and expected a global font selector?


    Andrew Misplon

    I’m not sure I see an import for the font anywhere. It’s rendering normally for me, not sure if I have it installed as a system font.

    Normally, at the top of your Additional CSS you’d add:

    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand:400,500,700');

    If you don’t need all those weights you can strip it back to say just 400 and 700 or just 400 and 500.

    Then anywhere below that you could use the font:

    body {
    font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;

    Try stripping everything back to the basics and focus on the site title first, why is that different on different pages?

    The font settings are unfortunately a bit more granular in the premium version, there isn’t a global setting, ideally, there would be. The settings are a lot more simplified in the theme I made after this, Polestar. The way you’re developing now is 100%.

    Start with aligning the site title, things might fall into place after that. And consider importing the font, unless I totally missed where that’s being done.



    Ok thanks Andrew. I really appreciate your help.

    I’ll dig some more.



    Andrew Misplon

    For sure. Let me know how it goes 🙂



    Will do.



    Quick update. I just deactivated LiteSpeed Cache plugin and that fixed several problems right away. Will update you again later.


    Andrew Misplon

    For sure 🙂 Autoptimize isn’t a caching plugin but a good option for minification and deferring. It can be used with a caching plugin, just turn off those similar features in the caching plugin. If possible, try adding these last at the end of the build.



    Hi .. I forgot to update you. Once I deactivated Lite Speed Cache and used the @import correctly for the fonts, all of the problems were fixed. Sorry for delay in reply. 🙂

    Thanks, Karen


    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Really glad to hear you were able to make progress. Thanks for updating the topic here. All the best.

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