[Resolved] Images are not loading in few of our Blog posts


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  • #5604



    We are migrating our website from wix to WordPress.

    In the process of migration we are manually migrating the blog. So we are copying the content from wix and pasting into WordPress post. everything was working fine up to last week.

    Now we are doing the same process but images are not displaying in WordPress blog.

    In some PC we can see the image but not in all PC. Also everything working fine in mobile.

    For example : http://jdee1tips.in/uncategorized/jd-edwards-enterpriseone-udo-view-security/

    You can check any of the blog posts which was created on last week from the below link


    Can you help us on this issue ?

    Best Regards
    Systemic Software Solutions


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi JDEE1Tips 🙂

    All looks normal on my side. Is the featured image not there when you view this post?


    Are you having an issue with featured images or images in the content?



    Hi Andrew,

    Nice to see you ?

    We are having issue with content image.

    Issue is specific to the machine. Most of the machine its not loading.

    We have sent the screenshot of our issue to your mail Id. Please have a look.


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi 🙂

    That image is loading fine on my side. It’s worth noting that the image URL is still your WIX URL, you should perhaps look into updating your images URL’s. Here is the URL at the moment:

    <img id="innercomp_txtMedia23deimgimage" class="aligncenter" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/916743_70f945fa99564b67832ba8ad232ab9b3~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_293,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/916743_70f945fa99564b67832ba8ad232ab9b3~mv2.webp" alt="" data-reactid=".hz.0.0.$image">

    If you’re migrating away from WIX it might be an issue in the future to host your images there.



    Hey Andrew,

    You answered our query !

    We will do the needful soon. Thanks once again for helping us.


    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Glad that helped. Chat soon. Cheers.

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