[Resolved] How do I set page as default instead of posts

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    I am trying out the Polestar theme and have a few questions. I am edititing this live, which is a no no, but it is what it is. I now wonder how to set the theme to show a page and not a post. Example:
    Let’s say I have made a page with the SiteOriogin builder called landing page – how do I set this to be the mandatory display page instead of the blog archive/page?

    This is usually easily done in other themes, whethet to display a page or posts as default, but I don’t see that option anywhere.

    Many thanks foir any help.

    Best regards



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for posting your question.

    You can set the static home page from Settings > Reading.

    Creating a Home and Blog Page



    Thanks vfor a swift reply. However, that did not solve the issue. Settings -> read only shows the number of posts per page I want, not if I want the blog or a page to be shown.

    I wish I could post a screen shot here…

    Thanks again.


    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for the update 🙂

    The options provided at Settings > Reading to set the static home and posts pages are provided by the WordPress core, it isn’t a theme level setting. Perhaps, try going to Pages, ensure that you have at least one published public page available.

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