[Resolved] Customize Options Gone after WP 6.4.3 Upgrade

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  • #17659

    Jim Karras

    Hi all,

    After the WP 6.4.3 upgrade, on each of my sites with the Ultra Theme installed and active, now in the Appearance tab, every option below the Widgets option has disappeared leaving no access to the customization options of this theme. I assume this is related to the WP transition to integrated blocks theme designs, but for classic themes such as Ultra, its leaving us stranded. Puro, what can you do to keep this theme functional? Or does that mean this them is now at its end of life point?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Jim Karras.

    Puro Support

    Hi Jim

    I can’t currently replicate the issue. Please try checking for a plugin conflict, temporarily deactivate all plugins, and then check to see if the issue persists.


    Jim Karras


    I disabled all plugins on one of my web sites and the issue didn’t resolve.

    Again, this theme is the Premium version of Ultra and the issue is replicated on at least 20 sites that I have it installed with a multitude of different plugins.

    So, I switched the active theme to a test site that I don’t currently use much but that had Ultra Premium installed, then deleted Ultra Premium, then reinstalled the Ultra basic Theme and all of the appearance theme design options returned once I activated the basic theme again. As soon as I applied the Premium license key, they all again disappeared.

    So its an issue with the Ultra Premium version of the theme that isn’t occuring in the Ultra basic theme. If that helps.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Jim Karras.

    Puro Support

    Hi Jim

    Thanks for the update.

    Please email [email protected] for help with the premium version. We’ll assist further from there.

    Thanks again.

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