[Resolved] Blank Page for Blog Posts

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  • #7798


    I am using the Ultra Theme with a Staic Front Page and Blog Posts in a News Page

    I have recently been getting a completely blank webpage (the whole window is grey) for my News Page. If I preview the site using a different theme, then it all appears correct.

    I have deleted the News page and recreated it but that didn’t fix the issue.

    Any ideas?

    The site is http://www.daviestorresdesign.co.uk



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Russell

    Can you perhaps set wp-debug to true so we can see if any errors are showing there?




    I have set it to true now. It showed an error with another plugin called Job Manager so I deactivated that one.

    I no longer get error messages but I still get a blank page.



    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Try deactivating all plugins not authored by SiteOrigin, does the issue still occur?



    All plugins are deactivated now and it gives a blank page for the news.


    Andrew Misplon

    Other things to try:

    1. Does the same issue occur if you go to Settings > Reading and assign the posts page to another page, not News, some other page?

    2. Install and activate https://wordpress.org/plugins/server-ip-memory-usage/. Check the footer in the WP admin, what percentage of PHP memory are you using and what is the maximum allowed?

    3. Switch to another theme, delete Ultra and reinstall it from Themes > Add New, use the search bar top right to locate it.




    1. Does the same issue occur if you go to Settings > Reading and assign the posts page to another page, not News, some other page?. The blank page moves to wherever the blog posts are assigned to go.

    2. Install and activate https://wordpress.org/plugins/server-ip-memory-usage/. Check the footer in the WP admin, what percentage of PHP memory are you using and what is the maximum allowed? Here is what is in the footer Memory: 8 of 256 MB (3%) | WP LIMIT: 40 MB | IP (gale) | PHP 7.1.8 @32BitOS

    3. Switch to another theme, delete Ultra and reinstall it from Themes > Add New, use the search bar top right to locate it. Will I have to rebuild the site after I do this?


    Andrew Misplon

    3. No, you won’t lose any WordPress content or settings but you will lose code customisations. Have you customised the theme at a code level at any time?



    You can probably tell by my answers before but no I have not modified any code


    Andrew Misplon

    There is no way back without a hosting level backup if you have so it’s good for us to confirm 🙂

    Ok cool, switch themes, delete and re-install Ultra. If that doesn’t help, please, go to Users > Add New, create an Administrator role account:

    Username: puro
    Email address: [email protected]

    Opt to have the password emailed.

    I’ll login and try assist further. No new ideas yet.



    OK – you should have received an email with login details

    I deleted the theme and then reinstalled it. Then activated the usual plugins and I still get the blank page.

    Thanks for your help.


    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks. Please, can you also try increasing WP Memory limit in your wp-config.php file to 256 and see if that helps at all.

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    Insert into wp-config.php file just after:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );


    Andrew Misplon
    This reply has been marked as private.


    OK – Done


    Andrew Misplon

    The browser console is throwing the following error:

    GET http://www.daviestorresdesign.co.uk/news/ 500 (Internal Server Error)

    I’ve upgraded my local setup to match your servers PHP version and still can’t replicate the issue. This isn’t something I’ve seen before.

    I can hotfix the issue for now using Page Builder by SiteOrigin and a Post Loop widget. I’ve done that. If you’d like me to try and find the root cause, please, send me your FTP details via email to [email protected]. I can take a look on Friday.

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