[Resolved] background issue

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  • #1174

    Andy Smith

    Hi my background on all pages has gone grey and I don’t know how to change it back, can you help? I didn’t mean to edit anything



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Andy

    Thanks for running Puro.

    Sorry to hear about the problem you’ve run into. Puro Free doesn’t have a background option under Appearance > Customize but Puro Premium does. If you’re running Puro Premium please go to Appearance > Customize > Colors > Background Color and make the change there.

    If you’re running Puro Free, let me know and I’ll work up a little Custom CSS that can be added to a plugin like Simple Custom CSS to achieve the same outcome.


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Andy

    I think you might have reached out to me on email too. I thought your question above applied to our first theme, also called Puro. You’re running Ultra. The answer would be the same. We unfortunately don’t have Ultra Premium out just yet.

    I think let’s just move this thread over to email and I’ll help out there.

    Chat shortly.


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