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  • #4408


    Hello, I have two questions:

    1. How to make the back ground of menu bar (white area) slimer?

    2. How to make a menu not linking to a page? Like “Page Templates” and “Blog” on demo theme.

    I want this feature on my site.

    Thank you~


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi shihcy

    Thanks for posting your question.

    Parent Menu Item Not Linked
    To create a top level menu item that is not linked, go to Appearance > Menus and select your custom menu. Instead of inserting a Page, insert a Custom Link, you’ll find the Custom Link meta box in the left column. Insert the name of the link in the label field and in the URL field, insert a hash: #. Once the link has been added to your menu you can edit it and remove the hash. Use this custom link as your top level menu item.

    Header Height
    There is a setting for header height at Appearance > Customize > Theme Design > Header if you are using Ultra Premium. If not, Premium is available for as little as $5 once off.

    If you’d like to continue using Ultra Free you can install a plugin like Simple Custom CSS, go to Appearance > Custom CSS and edit the header height by inserting the following:

    .site-header,.site-header .container,.site-header .site-branding-container,.main-navigation .menu-search {
        height: 112px;
    @media (min-width: 1024px) {
        #main-slider.overlap {
            margin-top: -112px;
    .main-navigation div > ul > li > a,.main-navigation .menu-search .search-icon:before {
        height: 112px;
        line-height: 112px;
    .main-navigation ul ul {
        top: 109px;

    Edit the values as required. The last value must be 3px less than the values above.

    Hope that helps.



    Hello Andrew
    Thanks for your answers.

    1. Parent Menu Item Not Linked
    The solution is cool, and it did work.

    2. Header Height
    I successfully revised the height by your steps in Ultra Premium, however, it came out with another problem. When I shrink browser window or browse in mobile version, the icon of menu is not at proper position.
    When I click the menu icon, the cross icon will be covered by menu.

    Thanks for providing alternative way for Ultra Free.


    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for your feedback. Would it be possible to send a link to your site so I can check the last problem? You can use the Set as private reply checkbox if you would like to keep your site private.



    Sure. It’s my site.


    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for the update. Sorry that the menu toggle button isn’t more dynamically positioned. Please, try the following added to Appearance > Custom CSS:

    /* Mobile Menu Toggle */
    .responsive-menu .menu-toggle {
        margin-top: 21px;


    Wow cool, it is on the right position now.
    Thank you very much. I appreciate your assistance.


    Andrew Misplon

    Awesome, glad that did the trick 🙂

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