Slider pictures squeezed

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  • #2127


    Hi there,

    I keep having problems with pictures in the slider. They seem to be squeezed, especially in Safari and on mobile devices (Screenshot).

    Any suggestions?



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi MiKraMedia

    Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the hassle. Mmm I’m not seeing the cause of this right away, although I’m a little clumsy in Safari’s web developer tool since I don’t use it very often. I’m going to take another look later and hopefully find the problem. If not, I’ll reach out the Meta Slider team for a little help.

    Chat in a bit 🙂


    Andrew Misplon

    Tom from Matcha Labs lent a hand. If possible, please remove the inline CSS that has been added to each image tag:

    <img style="max-height: 100%"

    We just need to remove: style="max-height: 100%" and all should be resolved.

    Let me know how it goes 🙂

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