[Resolved] Search results page appearance

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  • #8384


    Ref. web site: http://reflexphotonics.com
    I am trying to reduce the white spaces between the search results (padding as well as margin) on the search result page.
    I cannot seem to find the relevant selectors to reduce the values of the padding and the bottom margin.
    In addition, post/page title of the results is displayed with H1 tag. Can that be changed?
    Can you help ?


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi 🙂

    Please, try:

    .search-results article {
        padding-bottom: 25px;
        margin-bottom: 25px;
    .search-results p:only-child {
        margin-bottom: 0;

    For the h1 issue, I’ll adjust that in an update next week, that’ll be the lowest code overhead solution, no child theme files required that way. What heading did you want to make those?



    One more quibble: in the case of posts, the post date is also displayed and there is un unsightly gap below it.
    As for the H1 issue, I am not following… ” the lowest code overhead solution” ?? What does that mean ? O.o


    Andrew Misplon

    Changing the h1 tag would involve you exporting your Customizer options. Installing a child theme and then importing your Customizer options. Those shouldn’t be h1 so if I fix in the update, you run the update. Sorted.

    Single Post Meta Spacing:

    .single .entry-meta .container > div {
        margin-bottom: 25px;

    Andrew Misplon

    No problem. Unfortunately, the forum doesn’t support email replies. Happy to work on email but it’s nice to finish support topics in one place, if we can. If you’d like to email next time, that’s 100%. The incorrect character is from copying the snippet from email, the greater than sign changes to HTML. If you grab it here on the forum, it should be good.



    My fault.
    Latest snippet has no effect even at 0px…
    Could there be top padding on the article itself?


    Andrew Misplon

    No problem.
    I tried for ages to get an email plugin working with bbPress which is what we’re using here. In the end I gave up. A future challenge.

    Sorry, I thought you meant on the single post page. Please, remove the previous rule and add:

    .search-results .site-content .entry-meta {
        margin-bottom: 0;


    Resolved !
    Thanks again, Have a great WE.


    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Glad to hear that did the trick. I’ll get an update out next week ASAP to change the h1 tag to a h2.

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