Remove Page Title.

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  • #2112

    Brad Pearce

    Hey there,

    I am really new to web design and I am trying to find a way to remove the page title from underneath the header. I have my menu in the header so it feels redundant to have a large section with the name of the page on it. I didn’t see this on the pictures of the Ultra theme so I was surprised to see it on my site. Any help would be very appreciated. I’m sure it’s something easy and I’m just too ignorant to figure it out.

    Thank you!


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Brad

    Thanks for reaching out. I just responded to your email. Feel free to reply wherever is most convenient.

    In the event you’d ever like the page title bar to be filled out a bit more, you can turn on the breadcrumb trail from Appearance > Theme Settings > Navigation.

    To remove the page title bar, edit a page and change the Page Template drop down found in the right column. Default – No Title if you’d like to keep the sidebar, or, Full Width – No Title if you’d like to remove the title and sidebar.


    Hope that helps 🙂 Let me know how you come along.

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