[Resolved] Navigation missing in mobile view

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    Knut Nägele


    I am misssing the main navigation in mobile view. What can I do to make it visible? There are no problems in desktop view.

    My site is: https://linkatlas.com



    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Knut

    There is a plugin called Menu Plus perhaps that is outputting CSS that is hiding the menu. In the event this plugin can’t be deactivated then we’d need to look at how to better integrate it.

    Let me know 🙂



    Knut Nägele

    Hi Andrew

    Thnak for realy fast reply. I doin’t have the plugin that you mention, but tryied to deactivate plugins I don’t use. And found out, that the Genreatepress pro plugin was the reason.

    Another thing: I am very happy about the way Polestar shows the menu on mobile if responsive is not turned on. But in Ultra it seems that there is a lot of space between the items. Is there a way to make it look like in Polestar?




    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for investigating further. Earlier I didn’t have much time so I just glanced at the file outputting the CSS. Glad that’s fixed 🙂

    We can try to change the header but there is quite a lot going on at this stage so it might not be that easy. At Theme Settings > Header you’d need to disable the Mobile Sticky Header, otherwise it’s quite complicated. Then at Additional CSS try adding:

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
    	.site-header {
    		height: 140px;
    	.site-header .site-branding-container {
    		height: 64px;
    	.main-navigation div > ul > li > a {
    		height: auto;
    		line-height: 2;
    	.main-navigation div > ul > li > a:hover {
    		border-bottom: none;

    Adjustments can be made to the above values as required. Hope that helps.


    Knut Nägele

    That works great!

    Thank you very much:-)



    Andrew Misplon

    Super 🙂 Glad to hear that helped. All the best.


    Knut Nägele

    Hi Andrew

    Sorry fro bothering you again. I was very happy about the your CSS code to get the mobile menu items closer together. NowI just realised, that whwn using submenues, they are still in the same position as before I made the change with the CSS. Is there an easy way to make this submenu follow the rest?

    Still here: https://linkatlas.com/



    Knut Nägele

    Unfortunately there also seems to be an issue with the logo by incerting the CSS…

    Maybe I should go for Polestar if I would like an open menu on mobile, and if I don’t want it with that big spacing as in Ultra? It is a pitty, because I like the second menu in Ultra.


    Andrew Misplon

    Sorry for the delay in replying. Ultra is quite complex so it’s challenging making changes at this stage. I’ll do my best get a top bar added to Polestar, it’s been on my list for a while. It’ll be part of Polestar Premium. When I get added I’ll let you know. If you’d rather not upgrade that’s no problem, I’ll do my best to assist you without the premium plugin. Hopefully done in a week, if you can wait that long 🙂


    Knut Nägele

    Hi Andrew

    No problem at all with the delay. I just appreciate that you are helping.

    It sounds good with the top bar in Polestar. I am a big fan of Polestar and have used it on a few sites and have a multisite premium also. To me it seems that it with the top bar can all the same as Ultra, right?

    I have now moved my https://linkatlas.com/ to Polestar, and am looking forward to the top bar coming:-)



    Andrew Misplon

    Thanks for the update. That’s right, with the top bar added you shouldn’t be missing any functionality in Polestar that Ultra has. I’ll do my best to get this done during the week. I’ll update you as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for waiting 🙂 Chat then.

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