[Resolved] Front Page text appeared after update to WordPress 5.4

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  • #14215


    Hi team,

    After the latest WordPress update (5.4), a very annoying “Front Page” text appeared on every menu where I have a link to the home page. This is how it looks like: https://prnt.sc/ru4jqx

    Please help me get rid of it.


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi George

    Thanks for posting. Try temporarily deactivating all plugins, is there is any change in the issue once that’s done?



    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, I found which plugin was causing the issue: Alidropship Woo plugin.

    Thank you!


    Andrew Misplon

    Super, glad to hear you’re making progress. Hopefully, there is a setting to disable the menu link. Alternatively, perhaps plugin support can lend a hand to resolve the issue.

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