Font size


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  • #1167


    Sorry for all the queries (and my potential idiocy). How do I change the font size for blog posts? In the css? (Given I can’t access the ‘settings’ as per previous question.) Thanks so much, it’s just a little bit small for people to be able to read 🙂


    Andrew Misplon

    No problem. Feedback is really helpful, please fire away.

    We’ll have a premium, pay what you want, version out in the near future. It’ll have a full Customizer section. That said, we’re more than happy to help out with CSS snippets where required.

    The easiest way to add little snippets of CSS to a theme, without using a child theme, is to use a Custom CSS plugin, here are two to choose from:

    Simple Custom CSS:

    Simple Custom CSS


    Jetpack Custom CSS

    What I usually recommend is, go with Jetpack if you are using it or going to use it for more than just Custom CSS. Perhaps you want to use it’s Tiled Galleries feature too. But if you just need a Custom CSS plugin then I’d choose Simple Custom CSS.

    Once you have a Custom CSS plugin setup, try the following, just copy, paste:

    /* Content Font Size */
    .entry-content p,
    .entry-content li {
      font-size: 16px;

    Adjust the 16px value as required.

    Hope that helps 🙂



    Thanks so much, I’ll give this a go – you’re a legend! I ended up making a tiny modification to the theme CSS to boost the font size a little, but I’m sure I did it the completely wrong way. I’ll undo it and do what you said above 😀


    Andrew Misplon

    For sure.

    If you could undo the change you made to style.css that would be great. The CSS snippet I sent is more specific than the change you made. Let me know once you’ve given it a go. We can always wide the scope to include other elements.



    Hey sorry, I think you started getting sent to my junk mail. I’ve just deleted and reinstalled Ultra, and made the CSS changes you recommended. It’s much better – like you said, the menus fit a bit better, but the body text is a more reasonable size.


    Andrew Misplon

    Super, glad that helped 🙂

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