[Resolved] Drop Down menu no longer working

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  • #12938


    I’ve just upgraded to the latest Ultra Premium and the desktop menu dropdowns have stopped working!
    Site: http://www.cambray.org
    Could you send a fix ASAP because this is an important website to our Church.



    I have the very same problem here. (https://reflexphotonics.com)
    I have re-saved the menus (French and English) and flushed the cache on the WP backend without fixing the problem.



    Flushing the browser cache seems to fix the issue for me.


    Puro Support

    Hi jfcyr, thanks for posting. We’ve chatted with Alwyn via email. Thanks for posting the solution here. To improve load time, the menu drop-downs were changed from JavaScript to CSS. Unfortunately, the change caused a caching problem. Glad to hear all is well now.



    HI support! Please be patient with my bad english. I have the same problem whit the drop down menu that not appear on desktop view on Ultra free theme. I am using jour theme from long time and I am gled to say that is one of the most costumizable and strong theme I tried. The problem does not appear in all the examples below and this is my trouble. I will report from wich servers come the examples and details.

    http://demo2.brunotominetti.com/ running on WP 5.3 from my demo server Apache): the drop down doesn’t work.
    http://demo3.brunotominetti.com/ running on WP 4.9.8 from my second demo server(Apache): the drop down doesn’t work.
    https://www.maestriforni.it/ It is the site of a client pubblished the last year the drop down doesn’t work. :((
    http://demo3.brunotominetti.com/test2/ running on WP 4.9.8 from my second demo server: the drop down works properly.
    http://lnx.mucciarellistudio.it/ It is a client site running on WP 5.3 from aruba server: here I didn’t update the plugin because tomorrow I have to work in whit the client 😉 … the drop down works properly.

    Thank You in advance and have a nice day


    Andrew Misplon

    Hi Bruno

    Thanks for reaching out and for your support.

    When you have a moment, please, could you open a new topic using the form at the bottom of this page: https://purothemes.com/support/forum/ultra-theme/.

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