Custom theme colors

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  • #1574


    Hi, great to see this forum growing! Thanks for the recent updates, they have been great.

    That being said I would like to customize (or replace) the blues with another color. I read in another topic you will have the premium version sometime soon which I am looking forward to. In the meantime, the CSS works for some elements, but I think the theme uses JS for animations so the CSS gets overridden.

    Is there a simple way for me to replace the blue color with another color?


    Andrew Misplon

    🙁 Sorry @geekasso I really hoped I’d have everything done by now. My bad!

    Would you perhaps like to try replacing the default blue using Custom CSS as a stop gap?

    It’s a a relatively big set of rules: Copy and paste that into Appearance > Custom CSS and then replace the default with your color of choice. Once that’s done, if there are any issues like CSS rules not working, please let me know and I’ll dive in.

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